BC Forest Management and Wildfire Prevention Reform


Whereas the residents of BC are calling for our provincial government to provide better forest management and wildfire prevention by assessing the current policies and guidelines to enhance those that are working and to re-evaluate and change those that are not; And whereas Ontario created an All Hazards Agency that employs people to manage fire, flood, and slides year-round; And whereas the trickle effect of lumber prices and availability along with jobs, mill closures, current and future mudslides, damage to critical habitat, and house insurance will continue to increase and have an alarming effect on BCs future if we do not change the current forest practice procedures: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC immediately create an All Hazards Agency that employs people full time, year-round to manage fire, flood and slides as part of a comprehensive forest restoration and management program; And be it further resolved that the Province of BC be requested to empower local people, working with licensees, industry and contractors, Indigenous communities, ranchers, and boots-on-the-ground workers such as fire fighters, forestry workers, and all those that see day to day issues and have the frontline knowledge to provide feedback on inconsistencies in forest management and offer recommendations to the All Hazards Agency with the aim of improving forest management practices and preventing wildfires in BC.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate