BC Family Day


Whereas the Family Day holiday is observed in British Columbia on the second Monday in February, while the Family Day holiday is observed on the third Monday in February in Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, along with Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Heritage Day in Nova Scotia and Islander Day in Prince Edward Island; And whereas aligning the BC Family Day holiday with other provinces would allow families to more conveniently share the holiday with family from other provinces; And whereas weather on the later February weekend is generally expected to be more favourable for highway travel as compared to a week earlier: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the Province of British Columbia to approve widespread calls to align the date of the BC Family Day holiday with the other provinces in Canada by moving the date of the BC Family Day holiday from the second Monday to the third Monday in February.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Community Economic Development Committee
Committee Decision
Referred Back to Sponsor