BC Emergency Response Management System

Bulkley-Nechako RD

WHEREAS the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System BCERMS was developed to ensure a coordinated and organized provincial response and recovery to any and all emergency incidents; AND WHEREAS the BCERMS Response Objectives are not being applied to flooding events to ensure residents of BC are ranked first: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia ensure the residents of BC are ranked first during all emergency incidents including flooding events; and further, that the ranking apply to both natural and unnatural industry led events.

Provincial Response

Emergency Management BC Both the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System BCERMS, and provincial response plans are already in symmetry with the resolution. Within the BCERMS response goals, the residents of BC are included in both the first and second goals, providing for the safety of all responders and saving lives. Specific to flooding, and similar to other provincial response plans, the 2013 British Columbia Flood Response Plan the Plan, aligns with the BCERMS. The Plan describes the methodology the provincial government will utilize for coordinating activities to manage a flood event. The plan clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the ministries involved in flood management during an integrated provincial response event. The Plan also details at a high level that local authorities will initiate actions to meet the BCERMS goals in response to flooding. Local authorities will activate emergency plans and directly control the resources within their jurisdiction for the purpose of emergency response and recovery from flooding.

Convention Decision