BC Conservation Service Funding


Whereas the provincial government is responsible for managing conservation service, and the British Columbia Conservation Service has not been able to adequately address public safety, focus on natural resource law enforcement, human and wildlife conflicts prevention and respond to wildlife human conflict; And whereas underfunding is having a negative impact on the ability of the BC Conservation Officer Service to meet the needs of the communities served; And whereas the reduction in service has reduced the number of conservation officers in the field, while expecting them to adequately monitor and enforce activities throughout large management units; And whereas conservation officers should be protecting our fish, wildlife and environment by helping to ensure healthy game populations; clean land, air and water; and should be the first responder to human-wildlife conflicts where public safety may be at risk; And whereas the conservation service has lacked the ability to: 1.Periodically review their risk assessment models for response and make appropriate amendments; 2.Deliver awareness training to RCMP and municipal police forces; 3.Provide effective zone coverage practices, where officers should be responding to complaints and concerns; 4.Review the call centres response criteria, and make appropriate changes; 5.Provide public education and partnerships with local communities; and 6.Protect wildlife from illegal poaching and other illegal activities that weaken wildlife populations, health and security: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government provide adequate funding and staffing in order for the BC Conservation Service to provide public education and partnerships with local communities, deliver awareness training to RCMP and municipal police forces and review their risk assessment models and call centre response criteria.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy Government has committed to hire additional conservations officers and although not reflected in the mandate letter of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, the New Democratic Party platform made this commitment. In anticipation of funding confirmation in the new fiscal year budget slated for release in February 2017, planning is currently underway to support decisions regarding the number and location of new Conservation Officers. The Conservation Officer Service will continue to use the zone deployment model to increase effectiveness. This model enables conservation officers to work remotely from their patrol vehicles and provide response anywhere in the zone depending on the priority of the call.

Convention Decision