BC Child Protection Services


Whereas the Victoria Family Court and Youth Justice Committee has recommended improvements to the delivery of BC child protection services, and for the Province of BC to adhere to the principles enunciated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; And whereas the Sooke School District No. 62 has also called for these improvements and for the province to fully fund the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth: Therefore be it resolved that the BC government be asked to take action to improve the delivery of BC child protection services, fully fund the office of the BC Representative for Children and Youth, and follow the provisions in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Children and Family Development A priority of government is to ensure an effective child protection system by continually improving services that enhance the safety of children and support families to care for their children. Improvements are made on an on-going basis by reviewing and updating policies, practices, services, quality assurance mechanisms and training. The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child was ratified by Canada in 1991 and subsequently informed the development of the provinces child welfare legislation, the Child, Family and Community Service Act, as is clearly evident in the acts guiding principles and rights of children in care. Policies and practices in child protection are guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Complaints processes and case reviews provide feedback to government on supporting the rights of children. The government values the role of the Representative of Children and Youth and carefully considers all funding requests and recommendations to improve service.

Convention Decision