Ban on Practice of Handing Out Single Use Thin Film Shopping Bags Free of Charge

AKBLG Executive

WHEREAS the proliferation of free thin film plastic bags continues to impose a variety of negative impacts on our environment and society, causing the pollution of natural and human environments, excessive release of greenhouse gases, expensive waste management process, and an acceptance of over consumption as a right which can no longer be sustained and should be more effectively managed; AND WHEREAS the creation of a levy system, user fees, taxes, or lifecycle charge systems are other means of control but are complicated to administer and difficult to enact politically; AND WHEREAS bans have been proven in many countries to be the single most effective method of controlling the volume of thin film bags entering the waste stream and our environment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government amend the Community Charter to provide local governments with the authority to prohibit the distribution of single use, thin film shopping bags by businesses.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate