Audible Bird Scare Devices


WHEREAS audible bird scare devices ABSDs, also known as propane-fuelled exploders or cannons, are in use in many agricultural areas of British Columbia; AND WHEREAS provided ABSDs are used in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries the activity constitutes a normal practice of farm operation and agricultural activity appears to be exempt from local government bylaws and nuisance or injunction action; AND WHEREAS the City of Abbotsford continues to work with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, residents and the agriculture industry to develop a strategy to ultimately eliminate the use of ABSDs by encouraging adherence to the Ministrys guidelines: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the British Columbia provincial government to: aacknowledge the principles of the Community Charter and not offload current provincial responsibilities onto communities, such as the regulation of audible bird scare devices, without adequate funding; bconsult with affected local governments regarding the impact of provincial funding reduction and identify the accompanying financial resources, in consultation with local governments where such reductions are to be implemented; and cconsider banning ABSDs if it cannot enforce the guidelines or supply funding to local governments.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed