Arts Culture Funding

Powell River RD Powell River City North Saanich

WHEREAS arts and culture are universal goods which represent a very important part of the social fabric of all communities; AND WHEREAS the Provinces Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services has recommended that the Province restore funding for arts and culture organizations to the 20082009 levels: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM call on the Province of British Columbia to restore funds to community arts and culture organizations to the 20082009 levels.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development Since 2001 the Province has provided more than half a billion dollars to the arts and culture sector. 200809 was a record year for arts funding, with the Province providing 42 million to artists and art organizations. This fiscal the Province is providing over 30 million to support arts groups and artists: - 16 million for grants funding through the BC Arts Council including 7 million from the Legacy and 1.15 million from the BC Arts and Culture Endowment Fund. - 11.5 million in gaming grants to arts and culture groups for youth, fairs, festivals, museums, and groups with three-year gaming grant commitments throughout B.C. - 3 million from the 2010 Sports and Arts Legacy to support BC Spirit Festivals in more than 150 communities across B.C. - 350,000 to the Arts and Culture Branch for cultural initiatives. Despite tough economic times, we are still providing 30 million this year to artists and art organizations. The BC Arts Council remains the key arts funding agency in B.C. and we are proud of the work this independent and peer-reviewed organization does. As government revenues recover from the worldwide economic crisis, we will ensure grants are available to address the areas of greatest need and the top priorities of British Columbians. The Province is committed to the long term health of B.C.s arts sector.

Convention Decision