Appurtenance Provisions in the Forest Act

Canal Flats

Whereas previous to 2003, the Forest Act included a licence requirement to process timber at specific sawmills within a certain area; And whereas timber is being shipped from the Canal Flats area as far as the West Kootenays and not the Canal Flats Sawmill; And whereas the Canal Flats Sawmill is being closed permanently due to the lack of fibre at other sawmills: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province to re-examine the appurtenance requirement in the Forest Act to help create local or regional economic benefits from the timber that is being logged in an area.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations has no plans to restore appurtenance requirements. This outdated legislation gave neither the Province nor forest companies the flexibility to respond to changing market conditions and undermines the spirit of international trade agreements. The provincial government has taken steps to support workers affected by the Canal Flats mill closure. Canfor has also offered workers jobs at the companys other locations around the province. We are also taking action to support rural forest communities and creating more opportunities for First Nations to become full partners in the forest industry.

Convention Decision