Amendment to SOFI Reporting Legislation


Whereas the Financial Information Act requires the reporting of information including schedules of remuneration paid to employees in excess of a threshold of 75,000 through a report entitled Statement of Financial Information; And whereas it is agreed that the intent of the Statement of Financial Information to provide transparency and public accountability for spending is achieved through this legislation; And whereas the threshold was set in 2002 and has not been revisited despite increases in average weekly salaries in BC of 57, CPI increases totalling 29 and local governments contractual obligations under labour agreements that increase salary and remuneration; And whereas the lack of consistent review of the threshold results in the ever increasing reporting requirements of staff: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Provincial government to amend the threshold consistent with the CPI increase since 2002; And be it further resolved that the threshold is reviewed and adjusted every 5 years to reflect changes in CPI.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance Government believes in being accountable to the people we work hard for every day the people of BC That is why we support regular proactive disclosure of all public sector entities spending, including contracts valued over 10,000, direct awards and salaries through Public Accounts. The current 75,000 salary threshold used by the BC Government aligns with reporting guidelines used by other Canadian jurisdictions. The BC Government may consider amendments to the threshold, if its determined that it would increase transparency and improve the publics confidence in their government.

Convention Decision