Alternative Energy Technology Impacts


WHEREAS there is little or no research currently available on the cumulative impacts of alternative energy technologies, such as geothermal heat exchange; AND WHEREAS the use of alternative energy technologies is increasing, as they are being actively promoted by the provincial and federal governments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities recommend the provincial government determine the long-term cumulative environmental impacts of alternative energy technologies prior to approving their use.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES PETROLEUM RESOURCES Electricity projects in British Columbia are subject to over 50 various municipal, regional, provincial and federal regulatory and permitting processes, and require authorizations from numerous agencies. British Columbia will reach its potential as a clean energy powerhouse through the development of our solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass and other green energy supplies. Our government is interested in stimulating the economy and creating jobs by encouraging investment and making B.C. more competitive. We want a future of renewed economic opportunity and well-being that is sustainable.

Convention Decision