Affordable Housing


WHEREAS housing costs are rising across this community and in BC in particular; AND WHEREAS senior levels of government have in the past supported affordable housing initiatives; AND WHEREAS access to safe, affordable housing is a requirement of healthy communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the provincial and federal governments to make available new monies to address the shortage of affordable housing that is being felt in communities across this province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests and Range Since June 2001, the provincial government has committed funding for the construction of over 4,600 new units of subsidized housing through the Provincial Housing Program and the Community Partnerships Initiative. The government is focusing on providing assistance to those in greatest need. This includes frail seniors, people with physical and mental disabilities, families who have experienced violence and those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our aim is to give priority to those individuals or families with special housing needs, who cannot be adequately served by the private rental market. The provincial government welcomes the contributions the federal government is making to affordable housing through the two Affordable Housing Agreements signed with British Columbia in 2001 and 2004 and the allocation of 1.6 billion for housing in the 2005 federal budget. The provincial government has contributed 130.7 million to match the federal contribution under the two agreements, and the combined contributions are being used to develop a continuum of affordable housing with support services. In addition, the Province has increased funding for housing programs to nearly 172 million for the 20052006 fiscal year, the largest annual level ever in British Columbia. The federal government, provinces and territories are currently involved in discussions to develop a framework and principles to guide initiatives to address the need for long-term sustainable improvements to housing in Canada. Through the development of a provincial housing strategy, the provincial government is taking a comprehensive approach to meeting the housing needs of British Columbians. We are working to help ensure appropriate housing solutions are available for vulnerable households in greatest need, while also reviewing ways to improve market housing affordability overall.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Conservative Government Resolution A9 requests that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the federal provincial governments make new funding available for affordable housing. I am pleased to advise you that the Government of Canada is in the process of investing 1 billion in the Affordable Housing Initiative AHI. Under the Canada-British Columbia Affordable Housing Program Agreement, the Province is receiving 130.4 million of this funding. As of December 31, 2005, a total of 4,324 affordable housing units have been committed or announced in British Columbia under the AHI, representing federal funding of 116.9 million. This funding is targeted to low-income people, including those with special needs, such as persons with physical and mental disabilities.

Other Response

FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES Adopted as a Category A Resolution SOC05.4.10 - Affordable Housing by the FCM National Board of Directors and conveyed by FCM to the federal Minister of Labour and Housing.

Convention Decision