Whereas farmers across British Columbia face escalating challenges due to climate change, including increasingly frequent and severe droughts, highlighting the urgent need for regionally relevant agricultural research to address these issues effectively; And whereas the government of British Columbia has demonstrated commendable leadership by allocating substantial funding, including an additional 80 million, to expand the Agricultural Water Infrastructure Program, aimed at enhancing water management practices and resilience in the agricultural sector; And whereas while investments in infrastructure are crucial, there is also a critical need for targeted funding for regionally relevant agricultural research to develop innovative solutions tailored to the specific challenges faced by farmers in different regions of British Columbia; And whereas regionally relevant research is essential for identifying sustainable agricultural practices, crop varieties, and water management strategies that are best suited to the unique climatic conditions and agricultural landscapes of each region: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the federal and provincial governments to prioritize funding for regionally tailored agricultural research to develop sustainable solutions for diverse farming challenges across British Columbia.