Active Transportation Strategy

North Vancouver District

Whereas to respond to the complex and evolving needs of British Columbians and diversify the economy, local government across BC have developed forward-thinking: transportation plans, the development of community centres, age-friendly community plans, and Integrated Community Sustainability Plans. And whereas a provincial active transportation strategy - fully supported by dedicated staff and increased investments in provincial funding for municipalregional active transportation projects - would accelerate implementation of existing community plans, and enhance the livability and competitiveness of BC communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province of British Columbia to establish a provincial active transportation strategy, with dedicated staff and increased investments in local active transportation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The Ministry is leading the development of the Provincial Active Transportation Strategy that is currently being informed through extensive consultation and engagement and in partnership with all government ministries and key stakeholders. The Strategy will contain actions to encourage new infrastructure, education and incentive programs, and safety improvements for people walking, cycling, and using other forms of active transportation. The Strategy was announced in the Premiers December 2018 CleanBC release, which outlines a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Ministry strongly supports cycling, walking and other modes of active transportation and recognizes these affordable transportation options reduce congestion and emissions and promote healthier communities. As part of its plan to encourage active transportation, the Ministry integrates cycling and pedestrian facilities, such as wider shoulders on highways or separated multi-use paths, in new construction and improvements to highways, whenever possible. The Ministry also supports active transportation through its BikeBC program that helps towns, cities, First Nations and local governments create and maintain their cycling networks. BikeBC shares the cost of municipal cycling infrastructure projects, such as separated bike paths and bicyclepedestrian overpasses, with local governments. Following consultations with stakeholders and communities throughout B.C., the Ministry enhanced BikeBCs scope in 2018 to cover up to 75 per cent of costs for communities with a population under 15,000. Upgrades to existing infrastructure are also now eligible under the program, as are projects such as repair stations, bike racks and lockers. For 201819, 26 communities, both rural and urban, are eligible to receive BikeBC grants totaling 9.11 million.

Convention Decision