Achieving Complete Streets through Building Permit


Whereas the Local Government Act permits municipalities, as part of rezoning and subdivision, to secure land dedication for highway purposes, and the registration of Covenants and Statutory Rights-of-way for works and services, and public access; And whereas there is a desire on behalf of the Province to reduce rezoning applications by having municipalities permit higher density developments as-of-right as per recent provincial legislation to expedite housing delivery; And whereas the Local Government Act does not currently permit a municipality to obtain dedications for highway purposes, or the registration of Covenants and Statutory Rights-of-way for works and services and public access as conditions of Building Permit issuance: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to amend the Local Government Act to allow municipalities to obtain highway dedications, and the registration of Covenants and Statutory Rights-of-way for works and services, and public access through Building Permit issuance without the approval of subdivision or rezoning.

Convention Decision