MOUs, Agreements & Protocols

In accordance with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Act, UBCM may establish formal working relationships with other organizations and associations through memoranda of understanding (MOUs), protocols, and other forms of agreement.

Often, policy directions set by the UBCM membership serve to catalyze negotiation of an agreement between UBCM and other organizations. In other cases, UBCM forges relationships with organizations in anticipation of future policy development or shared concerns.

Section 4 of the UBCM Executive Policies sets out process and procedures for the establishment and renewal of agreements; membership vetting of proposed agreements; and regular review of active agreements.

Year: 1999
Partner: Other Agencies
Category: Business
Year: 2003, 2001
Partner: Other Agencies
Category: Forestry
Year: 1996
Partner: Provincial Government
Category: Governance
Year: 2003, 2001
Partner: Other Agencies
Category: Justice & Policing
Year: 2012, 2006, 2003, 2001
Partner: Other Agencies
Category: Education