UBCM is pleased to announce that Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) has been chosen as the preferred proponent in the UBCM Group Benefits Plan Marketing Review. The continuation of our longstanding relationship builds on 36 years of valued partnership and collaborative efforts in delivering benefits to our member local governments and affiliated associations. While the carrier isn’t changing, the way we work together to serve our members’ needs will be.
An RFP process was initiated in the fall of 2019 with submitted proposals received from several group benefit carriers in January 2020.
The marketing exercise provided the opportunity to ensure that the insurance carrier to the UBCM Group Benefits Plan provides value, excellence in customer service, service level improvements and future rate stability. It also ensures that the chosen carrier understands and is committed to meeting the requirements of a “Service Agreement” and the development and implementation of a strong governance model to protect and guarantee the Plan’s sustainability into the future.
Negotiated savings, agreements on improved service levels and lack of disruption resulted in the decision to stay with PBC. Over the coming months UBCM will be working with PBC to enhance the services received based on the feedback we received at the onset of the marketing process.
For any questions please email Anna Wijesinghe, Manager, Member & Association Services.