New seismic hazard maps for Metro Vancouver have been developed, and local government planners from southwest BC are invited to attend a virtual engagement session on April 17. The session will be hosted by the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness in partnership with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction and Western University
This webinar will provide an overview of the Metro Vancouver seismic microzonation mapping project, map, dataset outputs, and their potential uses. By July 2024, when the Metro Vancouver hazard maps are to be released, this project will have spanned a decade. It demonstrates the significant advancements in the science of local seismic site effects (e.g., shaking amplification, liquefaction, and landslides).
The outputs will be available by July 2024, and have the potential to improve all aspects of managing seismic risk in the region. The map set (30+ maps) will cover liquefaction, landslide and shaking (de/amplification) hazards. The geodata sets developed for the project will also be made available, to enable uptake and use of this work as part of new and ongoing risk assessments, community and land use planning, disaster risk reduction planning, asset management and engineering projects, emergency preparedness and response, etc.