Updates to streamline convention resolutions process

Publishing Date

With the return to an in-person Convention for 2022, UBCM’s Resolutions Committee has reflected on learnings from the two virtual resolution sessions in 2020 and 2021 and has identified several changes that will be retained for this year’s Convention.
The Resolutions Committee has decided to continue with the categories used during the last two virtual Conventions: Endorse Block (EB), Not Endorse Block (NEB) and No Recommendation (NR) based on the positive feedback from members indicating appreciation for the streamlined approach they provide.   
As a refresher, resolutions with the recommendation “Endorse” will be placed into one consent agenda block called the Endorse Block (EB).  Resolutions with the recommendation of “Not Endorse” will be placed into one consent agenda block of resolutions called Not Endorse Block (NEB). Members will have the opportunity to put forward a motion to pull a resolution out of the block for individual consideration if they disagree with the recommendation. The membership will vote on any requests made to pull a resolution from either the EB or NEB.  Those resolutions with a recommendation of “No Recommendation” or “No Action Required” will be placed into the No Recommendation (NR) category and will be considered individually.
The Resolutions Committee has also created a new category for Referred Resolutions (RR).  The RR section will continue to include all of the resolutions previously found in category C, but will also now include resolutions with the recommendation of “Refer to UBCM Executive”.  
In summary, the newly named RR category will include:
1.     Resolutions that refer to other resolutions within the Resolutions Book (similar resolutions);
2.     Resolutions that are referred to Policy Papers and/or special sessions at Convention;
3.     Resolutions that are referred to Area Associations due to being of a regional nature;
4.     Resolutions that are referred back to sponsors for fine-tuning; and
5.     Resolutions recommended Refer to UBCM Executive.
We would like to hear from members about these planned changes.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please send these to Jamee Justason, Resolutions & Policy Analyst by Friday, June 24.