UBCM town hall on policing

Police car
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UBCM will be hosting a virtual Town Hall on Policing from 1:30 – 3:00 PM PDT on May 31, 2022. The Town Hall will also include participation from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Interested local government elected officials and staff members are asked to RSVP by May 25.


This open discussion will provide the UBCM membership an opportunity to hear about ongoing work related to key initiatives, pose questions to UBCM and the Province, and discuss the important policing issues in their communities or regions. An agenda will be circulated to confirmed attendees in advance of the Town Hall.   


The Town Hall is open to representatives from all local governments, including those policed by the RCMP and communities with their own independent police agencies. To participate, local government elected officials and staff are asked to contact Bhar Sihota, UBCM Senior Policy Analyst, by May 25, 2022.