UBCM November Executive Meeting Highlights

Publishing Date

The UBCM Executive held its quarterly Committee and board meetings in Richmond on November 17-18. UBCM President Jen Ford welcomed new and returning members to the Executive. In addition to Committee meetings, Executive members met with the Honourable Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Affairs.

Highlights of the November 18th Executive meeting include:

  • Received a report on the President’s activities since the last Executive meeting. 
  • Received a report on Executive vacancies following Local Government elections and provided direction on filling three vacancies.
  • Received a report on new provincial legislation put forward in the current sitting of the House of interest to local governments.
  • Received a report on two resolutions referred to Executive by the membership at Convention.  The two resolutions have been referred to the relevant UBCM Executive policy committee, where they will be considered and brought back to a future Executive meeting with a recommended direction.  
  • Received a report on provincial responses received to 26 of the 2021 resolutions conveyed to the Province. In May 2022, the Executive received a report on an initial package of responses to 96 endorsed resolutions from 2021.
  • Received a report on the conveyance of endorsed resolutions from the 2022 Convention, including conveyance of:
    • 154 resolutions to the provincial government;
    • 1 to FCM;
    • 12 to the federal government; and
    • 18 to other organizations.
  • Received a report on member feedback in response to the Resolutions Process Review survey which consisted of five questions.  The survey was conducted on-line sent to elected delegates at Convention.
  • Received a report on Convention policy and other announcements.  It was noted that Minister Cullen had announced the creation of a new $10 million Complete Communities Program.   
  • Received a report on the ongoing Police Act and public safety review, including a recent UBCM submission to the provincial government.
  • Received an update on various housing initiatives, policy and legislation, and considered a proposal for a spring housing conference.
  • Received a report on the activities related to the Responsible Conduct working group including the release of a new online course for local elected officials that explores the principles that support responsible conduct.
  • Received an update on the activities of the Single Standard of Fire Safety Working Group with respect to the Fire Safety Act.
  • Received an update on work underway in response to the endorsement of the UBCM’s 2021 Finance Report
  • Approved a number of UBCM appointments to a variety of external working groups and committees.
  • Received an update on the Financial Statements.
  • Received an update on recent activities and updates for the Local Government Program Services and the Gas Tax Fund.
  • Received an update on UBCM’s involvement in the FCM International Program including UBCM’s work with Cambodia’s National League of Local Councils (NLC).
  • Received an initial report on proposed 2022-23 conferences, supported or coordinated by UBCM for the year ahead.
  • Received a report on staff activities since the 2022 UBCM Convention.
  • Received a delegation from Minister of Municipal Affairs, Hon. Nathan Cullen and discussed:
    • Debrief of the 2022 UBCM Convention
    • Development Approvals Process Review Update
    • Housing
    • Local Government Finance
    • Transition to a new Premier

Highlights of the November 17th  Committee meetings include:

Presidents Committee

The Presidents Committee reviewed its Terms of Reference; allocation of duties to specific portfolios; received the financial statements; reports on staffing and updates to staff policies. Committee members approved the 2023 work plan for the Community Excellence Awards Program; received an update on the status of the UBCM Governance documents review; status of member services and group benefits program; received reports on intergovernmental relations; UBCM Convention Sponsorship Policy; and discussed a number of requests for UBCM appointments to external committees and working groups.

Community Economic Development Committee

The Community Economic Development Committee considered its terms of reference, priorities, and work plan for 2022-23. They reviewed an issues scan, and received a report on internet connectivity in underserved areas of BC. The Committee discussed tourism funding models, province-wide tourism infrastructure, and opportunities for advocacy in this area.

Community Safety Committee

The Community Safety Committee reviewed its Terms of Reference and priorities for the upcoming year, while considering options for upcoming advocacy meetings.  Additional reports received by the Committee related to the RCMP Collective Agreement; policing issues of relevance, including body worn cameras, the Surrey policing transition, auxiliary policing, repeat offenders, and the federal review of RCMP contract policing; cannabis policy; emergency management; 911 service delivery; and grant programs administered by UBCM.

Health and Social Development Committee

The Health and Social Development Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference, Issues Scan, and Work Plan; and approved priorities for the 2022 - 2023 year which included decriminalization of illicit substances, homelessness, accessibility, child care and the health impacts due to climate change. An update was also received on Local Government Program Services grants that are relevant to the Committee’s work.

Environment Committee

The Environment Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference, Issues Scan and Work Plan of the UBCM Environment Committee. The Committee also approved priorities for the 2022- 2023 work year following a review and discussion on the issues scan.

Indigenous Relations

The Indigenous Relations Committee renewed a protocol on cooperation and communication with the First Nations Summit and approved their Terms of Reference and priorities for the 2022-2023 work year. Priorities for the year include further engagement on UNDRIP related legislation, work with the Province to implement an MOU on engagement, reconciliation and relationship building activities, policy monitoring, and work to develop more educational resources for membership.


The Convention Committee reviewed its Terms of Reference and the Convention planning cycle for 2023. The Committee received the Guiding Principles: Convention Finance & Sponsorship. The Committee received reports on the 2022 Convention including a report on attendance, preliminary staff comments, catering, sponsorship, a preliminary financial report, and a media relations report. The delegate evaluation report was also presented with the full list of comments submitted in the post-Convention survey. The evaluations were predominantly positive and provided constructive feedback for future planning. The planning cycle and theme for the 2023 Convention were also discussed.