The UBCM Executive held its quarterly Committee and board meetings July 12-14. The meeting provided closure on a number of year-end matters, and established direction for the year ahead.
Highlights from the July 14 Executive meeting include:
- Received a report on the President’s activities since the last Executive meeting.
- Welcomed new incoming NCLGA President to the UBCM Executive, Councillor Sheila Boehm, from the City of Williams Lake.
- Received status and action reports on a variety of policy areas.
- Received a report on the provincial responses to the 2022 UBCM resolutions.
- Received a report on new provincial legislation put forward in the current sitting of the House of interest to local governments.
- Received updates on a number of housing-related files.
- Received a report on the work underway as part of the Local Government Finance MOU, including upcoming meeting with the Ministers of Finance and Municipal Affairs on the property tax system.
- Received an update on the second round of bargaining under the RCMP Collective Agreement.
- Received reports on the annual review of MOUs and Agreements; Financial Statements for the month and the year ending May 31, 2023; annual statutory compliance report; a year-end status report of the 2022-23 annual work program; and the proposed work plan for 2023-24.
- Approved a revised Code of Conduct for Executive members.
- Approved tentative dates for 2023-24 Executive meetings, subject to approval by the incoming Executive in September.
- Received a report on a new funding program administered by UBCM to support communities transition to Next Generation 911.
- Received a report on UBCM member policy related to repeat offenders and bail reform.
- Appointed Mayor Janice Morrison, City of Nelson as UBCM’s appointment to the Province’s Mass Timber Advisory Council.
- Received a report from the 2023 Nominating Committee advising that the nominations and elections process is underway; that the Call for Nominations was issued with a July 31 deadline; and that the Chief and Deputy Chief Scrutineer have been appointed to oversee the Executive elections.
- Received a status report on UBCM’s legal assistance fund.
- Approved the annual allocation of $7,500 to the Board of Examiners in support of the Jeff McKelvey scholarship fund.
- Received a financial statement on the UBCM-FCM Small Communities Travel Fund.
- Received a staff report on recent activities.
- Approved the Preliminary Budget for 2023-24 noting 4% member dues increase for the coming year.
- Received correspondence from the Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity regarding the new Pay Transparency Act; from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General on the Surrey Police Model Transition; and from the federal Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Communities on the mandate to negotiate the Canada Community-Building Fund.
- Received the financial report for the period ending May 31, 2023.
- Received reports on Victoria Operations including status of the Canada Community-Building Fund as well as various Local Government Program Services.
- Received a delegation from provincial staff at Public Safety and Solicitor General and the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to discuss the province’s decriminalization pilot project and the impacts on BC communities.
Highlights of the July 12 – 13 Committee meetings include:
Presidents Committee
The Presidents Committee received the financial statements; reports on staffing; UBCM Reserves; group benefits and member services; and discussed a number of year end matters such as the preliminary budget for 2023-24, and approved awarding of the 2023 Community Excellence Awards. Delegations were received from KPMG (UBCM auditors) who discussed the Audit Findings Report; PionMatifat (investment managers) to discuss UBCM’s investment portfolio; and Committee members received a report from the Trustees to the Municipal Pension Plan and Plan Partner Working Group. Reports were also received on UBCM’s Cybersecurity Project; UBCM Governance Documents Review; an upcoming meeting with the Ministers of Finance and Municipal Affairs on the Finance MOU; and an interim report on 2023 Member Visits.
The Committee authorized the external appointment to the UBCM Investment Committee; approved the Committee’s report for inclusion in the 2023 Annual Report; provided direction in response to a report on staff compensation; and made recommendations on an appointment to the Mass Timber Advisory Council and locations for future UBCM Conventions.
Community Economic Development Committee
The Committee received a forestry update, including local government representation on the Managed Forest Council; provincial government information sessions on the Old Growth Strategic Review recommendations and new Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity framework; and common areas of concern with the Truck Loggers Association. The Committee also received updates on the Regional Connectivity Knowledge Network; a webinar on the provincial government’s Community Investment Opportunities Tool (CIOT); DFO engagement on the Open-Net Pen Transition Plan; provincial Coastal Marine Strategy; and an Outdoor Recreation Council of BC survey of local governments and other agencies involved in outdoor recreation projects. Further, the Committee approved highlights for the 2023 UBCM Annual Report; and considered correspondence from the provincial Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills on the Province’s Future Ready Action Plan; as well as a joint federal-provincial update on the BC Energy and Resource Table.
Community Safety Committee
The Community Safety Committee received a delegation from the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness regarding new emergency management legislation and associated regulations; and, a delegation from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General regarding public order and critical incidents. Members also considered a report outlining the Committee’s activities for the 2022-23 year. Other reports received by the Committee pertained to cannabis policy; liquor policy; repeat offenders and bail reform; the City of Surrey police model transition; the ongoing Police Act and public safety review; and, other policing items of relevance to local governments, including the implementation of body worn cameras, the federal assessment of RCMP contract policing, the Mass Casualty Commission’s final report, BC Highway Patrol service delivery, and items discussed by the Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee.
Health and Social Development Committee
The Health and Social Development Committee received updates on an event held by the Local Leaders for Mental Health; a presentation by UBCM to Health Canada and the Ministry of Health at their Climate Resilience course; accessibility legislation; and the Minister’s Poverty Reduction Advisory Committee. The Committee’s 2022-23 Annual report was received and approved.
Environment Committee
The Environment Committee received a delegation from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy on the Local Government Climate Action Program and Clean Transportation Action Plan. A second delegation was received on the inclusion of industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sector waste in the packaging and printed paper program. Members considered and approved the 2022-23 Annual Report. Information reports were received on the financial resiliency climate recommendations, the watershed security strategy and fund, the health impacts of climate change, and the coastal marine strategy. Correspondence was received from the Okanagan Basin Water Board on the potential economic impact of zebra and quagga mussels in BC.
Indigenous Relations Committee
The Committee met with Women Transforming Cities to discuss opportunities for local governments to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action. The Committee also received correspondence regarding and alcohol regulation, funding and jurisdiction; the additions to treaty lands process; and a “Red Dress Alert” system. Finally, the Committee received updates on implementation of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Calls for Justice, and other federal and provincial policy updates.
Convention Committee
The Convention Committee discussed several Convention elements including sponsorship, catering, the pre-convention program, and special guest invitations. The Committee spent the majority of the meeting making programming decisions regarding the clinic and workshop submissions. Recommendations for this year’s workshop and clinics were presented.
The Committee also received a report regarding various wellness initiatives that will be implemented during this year’s event, and a general progress report from staff.
Resolutions Committee
The Resolutions Committee met to review the package of resolutions from the membership, as well as one Extraordinary Resolution (ER) and four Special Resolutions (SR). The Committee is also preparing to present a Report on UBCM Resolutions Process Review during the Thursday resolutions session at Convention. Members will be asked to vote on five questions contained in the Report. The Report on UBCM Resolutions Process Review will be included as an Appendix in the UBCM Resolutions Book.