Travel fund for eligible FCM board & committee members

Publishing Date

The UBCM-FCM Small Communities Travel Fund provides financial support to local government elected officials from British Columbia attending Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Board and Standing Committee meetings.
To be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses recipients must be:

  • a local government elected official
  • from a community with a population of 55,000 or less
  • from a community that contributes to the Fund; and
  • is elected to FCM’s Board OR appointed to an FCM Standing Committee.

The Fund covers the following expenses related to attending FCM Board and Standing Committee meetings:

  • Airfare (included associated luggage fees)
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Mileage, parking and ground transportation

The Fund does not reimburse expenses incurred for food, per diems, etc. nor does the Fund cover any costs associated with attending the FCM’s Annual Conference or ad hoc Committees. These ineligible expenses are the responsibility of the individual elected official or their local government.

To submit a claim form or for further information on the Fund, please contact Kathleen Spalek, Chief Financial Officer, UBCM (604-270-8226, ext. 102).