The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has created two interim Codes of Practice for undertaking emergency and routine works under the revised Fisheries Act that pose a low risk to fish and fish habitat. The Codes of Practice allow proponents who meet the interim guidance to undertake routine works without applying for a review.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is currently working with provincial associations and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to ensure local governments have the information and support needed to undertake emergency and routine works under the revised Fisheries Act.
FCM has called on the federal government to simplify the process to undertake certain routine works that pose a low risk to fish and fish habitat. As DFO works on developing a comprehensive Routine Practices Regulation, they have made two interim Codes of Practice available on their website (end-of-pipe fish screens and routine maintenance dredging) and are planning to release three more before mid-July (temporary watercourse crossing, culvert maintenance and beaver dam removal).
While these are only interim measures, DFO has stated that proponents who meet the interim guidance will not need to apply for a review. If your community is looking for assistance navigating the revised Fisheries Act, please contact DFO. If you have feedback on the interim Codes of Practice or suggestions for other types of projects that should be included, please contact FCM.