Non-medical cannabis consumption spaces

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The Province has launched a public engagement on non-medical cannabis consumption spaces that will run until May 9, 2022. Interested local governments may provide input through completing an online survey or delivering a written submission. Public and stakeholder feedback will help inform decisions on whether to allow consumption spaces, and if so, the manner in which it will be done.
A “cannabis consumption space” is a general term for a business, special event or other establishment that provides cannabis for sale and use on-site. Examples may include outdoor designated areas, cafes and lounges, concerts or festivals, ticketed events, and spa experiences, among others. The province, which regulates the sale of non-medical cannabis in B.C., is now taking a closer look at whether non-medical consumption spaces should be permitted.
As part of this engagement, the province is hoping to gain a better understanding of whether respondents agree with the principles outlined in the associated discussion paper; the types of cannabis consumption spaces that might be desired as well as those that should not be considered; and, any challenges that might exist and how they could be addressed.
Although BC cannabis laws do not currently allow for cannabis consumption spaces, this subject has previously been raised by UBCM as part of its work to inform the development of the provincial non-medical cannabis framework. In a November 2017 submission, UBCM was supportive of the province developing dedicated places of use (licensed establishments) where individuals could consume cannabis.