Publishing Date
Due to COVID-19, the application deadlines for some funding programs administered by UBCM were postponed this spring. New deadlines have now been established and other additional intakes are being announced:
October 2020
- The application deadline for 2020 intake for the Housing Needs Report program has been rescheduled to October 16, 2020.
- New - The application deadline for the third intake for the Structural Flood Mitigation funding stream is October 23, 2020.
November 2020
- The application deadline for 2020 intake for the Evacuation Route Planning funding stream has been rescheduled to November 6, 2020.
Funding permitting, looking ahead to 2021, the following are anticipated:
- Additional intakes for the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund including Emergency Support Services, Emergency Operations Centres & Training and Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping & Mitigation Planning funding streams
- Announcement of a second intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning & Actions program
For information on all funding available through Local Government Program Services at UBCM, please refer to our website or contact