On August 1, 2024, the Province announced that the new Fire Safety Act has come into effect, introducing a new single standard of fire safety in BC. This comes after several years of consultation with UBCM and the Office of the Fire Commissioner to ensure the new Act will meet members’ needs, specifically regional districts.
Members will recall that the Act received royal assent in 2016, but was never brought into force, in part due to the opposition from regional districts. UBCM, and regional districts pushed back saying regional districts do not have the financial and technical resources, capacity, or the authority to take on responsibility for fire inspections and investigations.
In an effort resolve member concerns, UBCM has been working with the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) to ensure the new Act will meet members’ need, specifically regional districts. UBCM is pleased with the process that was followed to reach an outcome that addresses the concerns raised by members that will see the OFC perform fire inspections and investigations on behalf of regional districts, when asked by the RD, at no cost.
UBCM emailed members with the announcement and shared a letter from BC’s Fire Commissioner, Brian Godlonton, which provides details and information specifically for local governments.
UBCM would like to take this opportunity to thank the local government members of the Single Standard of Fire Safety Working Group (SSFSWG) for their advice and guidance throughout this process: Director Al Richmond, Cariboo RD, SSFSWG Co-chair; Chair Mark Pendergraft, Okanagan Similkameen RD; Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, Quesnel; Jennifer Kinneman, CAO, Fraser Valley RD; Stuart Horn, CAO, Central Kootenay RD; Curtis Helgeson, CAO, Bulkley Nechako RD. Thanks also to previous Committee members: Councillor Jesse Ketler, previous Chair Comox Valley RD and Jim Martin, previous CAO, Fraser Fort-George.