Intake opens for the Poverty Reduction program

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A new intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning and Action program is now open. The deadline for the intake is March 17, 2023.

The intent of the Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program is to support local governments in reducing poverty and advance the Province’s poverty reduction strategy, TogetherBC. In 2020, the Province of B.C. provided $5 million over three years for the program. During the first three intakes, over $3 million in grants have been awarded to more than 100 local governments across the province.

This program has two funding streams: one to support the development or updating of plans that address poverty, and another that funds poverty reduction projects. For the 2023 intake, applications under Stream 2: Poverty Reduction Action may be prioritized over Stream 1: Poverty Reduction Plans and Assessments.

Applications to both streams must support new initiatives and involve key sectors of the community, including community-based poverty reduction organizations, people with lived experience of poverty, businesses, local First Nations, Indigenous organizations, and/or Métis Chartered Communities. 

Poverty reduction planning projects are eligible for grants of up to $25,000, and poverty reduction projects are eligible for grants of up to $50,000. Program and application information can be found on UBCM’s website.