The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has developed guidelines for local governments in the process of creating a Housing Needs Report for their community. These guidelines are intended to provide additional clarity on several aspects of the requirements and recommendations for the reports.
Legislation came into force in 2019 that requires local governments in BC to produce a housing needs report by April 2022 and every five years thereafter. UBCM has partnered with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to administer the Housing Needs Report program which provides funding to eligible local governments (municipalities and regional districts) to complete or update a housing needs report.
Applications are currently being accepted for the Housing Needs Report funding program with an intake deadline of October 16, 2020. Eligible applicants can apply for grants ranging from $15,000 - $70,000 depending on the populations of the planning area(s) included in their application. Prospective applicants should be advised that based on available funding, this will likely be the final intake of this funding program. For more information, please contact Local Government Program Services or call (250) 952-9177.