Highlights from UBCM Executive’s April meeting

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The UBCM Executive held its quarterly board and committee meetings in Victoria over April 24-26 in conjunction with its 2024 Advocacy Days. In addition to sharing UBCM’s advocacy priorities with the Premier, Ministers and MLAs, all Committees convened and Executive members met with Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs as part of the Friday board meeting.

Highlights from the Executive meeting include:
  • Discussed Provincial responses to the 149 provincially relevant resolutions that passed at 2023 Convention. Staff proposed a follow up strategy, which was endorsed. Provincial responses can be seen here; more information on UBCM follow up action will be shared in a future Compass edition.
  • Received an update from UBCM’s housing policy analyst about the Federal Government’s housing plan and recent provincial initiatives, including the introduction of new legislation to address inclusionary zoning, density bonusing, site-specific infrastructure, and tenant protection bylaws.
  • Debriefed on spring conferences that were either hosted or supported by UBCM, including the Electoral Area Directors Forum, RD Chairs and CAOs Forum, and Local Government Leadership Academy Forum.
  • Confirmed establishment of a new working group about Emergency and Disaster Management Act regulations for local authorities and other relevant regulations. The group will be jointly hosted by UBCM and the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, with support from Minister Bowinn Ma.
  • Heard from President Trish Mandewo about the visit to Cambodia to support the Cambodia National League of Local Councils as it works to improve local government representation, as part of the FCM International Program.
  • Met with Hon. Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs, to debrief the 2024 Advocacy Days program, and discussed the potential for legislative or other initiatives for regional districts.
  • Received reports about: the status of negotiations related to the Canada Community-Building Fund; ongoing Police Act and public safety review; new provincial legislation, regulations, and orders in council of interest to local governments; policy areas of interest being monitored by UBCM staff; progress from the Local Government Financial Review Working Group; UBCM financial statements; recent activities of Local Government Program Services; and a report on the UBCM-FCM Small Communities Travel Fund.
Highlights from Committee meetings include:

Presidents Committee: The Presidents Committee reviewed the priorities and plan for 2024 Advocacy Days, received an update on the status of Canada Community-Building Fund negotiations, and on UBCM’s governance documents review. Members provided initial direction for Executive compensation. The Committee gave direction for UBCM to hold a Province-wide Community to Community Forum at the 2024 Annual Convention. It considered local government appointments to the Decriminalization Working Group and the Local Government Policing Modernization Roundtable. Terms of reference for the new Local Government Advisory Committee on the Emergency and Disaster Management Act Regulations was approved. It received reports on UBCM financial statements and investments, and staffing.

Community Economic Development Committee: The Community Economic Development Committee received updates on forestry, modernization of the Mineral Tenure Act, connectivity, and outdoor recreation. In addition, the Committee considered a package of recent news items relating to economic development in BC. The Committee reviewed economic development matters discussed with the Minister of Agriculture and Food and the Minister of Citizens’ Services, as part of the 2024 Advocacy Days.

Community Safety Committee: The Community Safety Committee received a delegation from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General regarding the ongoing Police Act and public safety review. Members also considered a report on cannabis policy, noting the federal government’s request that Finance Canada review the excise tax model. Additional reports received by the Committee related to 911 emergency services; policing issues of relevance, including RCMP body-worn cameras, the federal assessment of RCMP contract policing, Surrey policing transition, Auxiliary Program, and items discussed by the Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee; RCMP collective bargaining; emergency management; liquor policy; and the work of the BC Association of Police Boards. One piece of correspondence was received.

Convention Committee: The Convention Committee approved the draft long program for the 2024 Convention in Vancouver. They also received reports and provided direction on the Convention logo, entertainment, speaker gifts, and the Convention budget. A report outlining the process for the session proposals was also received for information. The committee provided direction on the childminding program for Convention, which will be offered to UBCM members for $30 per day per child. This will open for registration at the same time as Convention registration in July. Reports on catering, and the Keynote speaker were also received.

Environment Committee: The Environment Committee received a delegation from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy on the Province’s Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP), which provides direct funding to local governments for climate change-related initiatives. Members also considered a report on the Province’s Public Interest Bonding Strategy regarding the management of financial costs associated with closing and decommissioning industrial sites. Members also discussed a report on drought and water scarcity and another on Provincial climate action, including an update on climate change-related expenditures in the February 2024 Budget. Members requested that UBCM write a letter to the Province to request that the scope of BC Hydro’s heat pump rebate program be expanded to include the replacement of outdated or less efficient heat pump technology.

Health and Social Development Committee: The Health and Social Development Committee discussed the decriminalization of illicit drugs and Bill 34; homeless encampments including Bill 45 and the provincial government’s encampment response guide for communities; and the Ministry of Mental and Health and Addiction’s Harm Reduction Community Guide. The Committee also discussed local government concerns regarding child care for the meeting with Hon. Mitzi Dean, Minister of State for Child Care, as part of Advocacy Days 2024.

Indigenous Relations Committee: The Indigenous Relations Committee received a delegation from the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR) on the Province’s distinctions-based approach (DBA) to relationships with Indigenous people and discussed the impacts to the Province’s MOU with the UBCM on local government consultation when negotiating agreements with First Nations. The Committee received and considered a report on the provincial agreement to recognize Haida Aboriginal title over Haida Gwaii. The Committee also received updates on: the Province’s proposed amendments to the Land Act to enable shared decision-making agreements between the Province and Indigenous governing bodies, per the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA); legislative amendments to enable First Nations to register land in the Land Title Office; and the Province-wide Community to Community Forum.

Resolutions Committee: The Resolutions Committee discussed options for improving the communication to members of the provincial responses to endorsed resolutions. The Committee decided to add a new category of resolutions called Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, in which to place Indigenous-focused resolutions, rather than placing them in the catch-all category of Selected Issues. The Committee will incorporate the use of icons in the 2024 Resolutions Book, to make the Book more visual and less text-heavy.