Funding & resources update

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Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events, and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations.

Local Government Program Services

Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding programs. A complete and chronological listing (by intake deadline) of currently offered Local Government Program Services grants is also available on the UBCM website.
FireSmart Community Funding & Supports: The FireSmart Community Funding & Supports program provides funding to local governments and First Nations in BC to increase community resiliency by undertaking community-based FireSmart planning and activities that reduce the community’s risk from wildfire. Applications for this program are now being accepted until December 31, 2023.

Emergency Support Services: The intent of this stream is to help communities build local capacity to provide ESS through volunteer recruitment, retention and training, including in-house training, and the purchase of ESS equipment (up to $30,000 per eligible applicant).  Application deadline: January 27, 2023.

Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation: This funding stream’s intent is to support eligible applicants to reduce risks from future disasters due to natural hazards and climate-related risks. The grant maximum is $2.3 million per applicant across three activity categories. Application deadline: February 24, 2023.

Emergency Operations Centres Equipment and Training: The intent of this funding stream is to support the purchase of equipment and supplies required to maintain or improve EOCs and to enhance EOC capacity through training and exercises (up to $30,000 per eligible applicant). Application deadline: March 31, 2023.

Other Funding

Housing Supply Challenge Round 4: The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Supply Challenge Round 4 is now open for applications addressing solutions to construction-related barriers to housing supply. Shortlisted projects will receive up to $150,000 of incubation funding, with further funding available for successful solutions. Eligible applicants, including local governments, must submit applications no later than April 13, 2023 at 2:00PM ET.

Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3: Round 3 of the Rapid Housing Initiative is receiving applications to support the building of new housing and/or purchasing existing buildings that will be rehabilitated or converted into permanent affordable housing. This $1.5 billion funding program is divided into two streams: projects stream for eligible applicants including municipal governments and Indigenous governing bodies and organizations, and a cities stream that is open to Burnaby, the Capital Regional District, Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver.

British Columbia Reconciliation Award: This award is a partnership between BC Achievement and The Office of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and serves to recognize individuals, groups, and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, integrity, respect, and commitment to furthering reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in the province of British Columbia, and/or inspired others to continue reconciliation efforts. The deadline to nominate is January 20, 2023.

Connecting Communities BC: The Connecting Communities BC program focuses on expanding broadband internet services to underserved rural, remote, and Indigenous communities using technologies such as fibre, cable, and fixed wireless. Broadband internet services must be at least 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 10 Mbps upload speeds and be compliant with program criteria. The second intake of this program will close on February 15, 2023.

DIVERSIFY – Capital and Innovation Program: The Island Coast Economic Trust’s CAPITAL Programs support the development of a wide range of strategic economic development, diversification and innovation initiatives. Helps deliver vital regional and community-based assets, amenities and services to support sustainable economic diversification and growth, as well as enhanced quality of life in targeted sectors. Applicant organizations may be located outside of the Trust area, but must demonstrate that the project and its key benefits are in the ICET region. The winter intake deadline is February 17, 2023.

Reduce Fossil Fuel Use in Fleets: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is offering combined loan and grant funding for capital projects that reduce or avoid fossil fuel use in any vehicle that delivers municipal services. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes undertake environmental sustainability projects that reduce energy consumption/greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improve their air quality. Initial review forms can be submitted year-round and application forms will be provided to eligible applicants.

Refugee resettlement funding: A federal $2 million Refugee Resettlement Fund has been established to support resettling refugee families. Six BC communities (Vancouver, Kelowna, Victoria, Nanaimo, Abbotsford, Surrey) have dedicated service provider organizations to deliver the Refugee Assistance Program (RAP). RAP provides essential services to refugees in their first year in Canada. Information and resources on supporting refugees in BC can be found on the BC Refugee Hub, a provincially-funded online resource hub.

Disaster Financial Assistance: The Province of BC announced DFA is available to local governments and First Nations impacted by wildfires and overland flooding. The funding is available to cover disaster-related losses not covered by insurance, such as wildfire damage to public infrastructure including roads, bridges, and other publicly-owned infrastructure.

Residential Schools: BC Response Fund: Provincial funding is available for First Nations-led strategies to identify, investigate, protect, and commemorate the sites of former residential schools and hospitals in BC and for providing the mental health, wellness, and cultural supports required to do this work. Lead communities may apply to develop and implement strategies and procedures for the ongoing identification, documentation, maintenance, commemoration, and protection of residential school cemeteries or other sites at which residential school children were buried. Up to $475,000 is available for each site.

Residential Schools: Federal Funding: Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada will fund the locating, documenting, maintaining, and commemorating of burial sites associated with former residential schools, and responding to family wishes to commemorate or memorialize their losses and the children's final resting places. Proposals are welcome from Indigenous governments, councils or tribal councils, Indigenous not-for-profit groups, and organizations, including survivors’ groups, demonstrating a close working partnership with and directed by Indigenous-governed organizations.

Community Buildings Retrofit Initiative: This Federation of Canadian Municipalities initiative is intended to help fund energy efficiency upgrades for existing community facilities. The Government of Canada, through the Green Municipal Fund, has launched this $167 million initiative to help Canadian municipalities of all sizes retrofit existing community facilities, such as arenas, pools, and libraries, to significantly reduce GHG emissions, while reviving important community assets.

Other Funding Opportunities: BC Healthy Communities has compiled a list of funding opportunities worth knowing about, along with guides and resources to support grant writing activities.

Events & Resources

Principles for Responsible Conduct: This online course, developed by UBCM, LGMA and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, introduces the principles that support responsible conduct by local elected officials in B.C. The interactive course is based on real-life scenarios in which learners are part of the story. The code to access the course is VV81-5TFM.

Project Management Fundamentals Online Course – Jan-Feb 2023: Invest in yourself and become a confident and successful project manager in just 6 weeks. Managers in local government who lead or oversee projects in areas such as corporate administration, public works, parks and recreation, planning or finance, will benefit from this training and learn to deliver projects with confidence.

LGMA CAO Forum - February 14-16, 2023: The CAO Forum is an annual offering for local government chief administrative officers (CAOs) to meet with their colleagues and discuss issues of mutual concern in a congenial atmosphere. The Forum will feature interactive, two-way discussions with speakers on subjects of interest to local governments and provide an excellent opportunity for frank and open dialogue.

Wildfire Resiliency and Training Summit – May 10-14, 2023: The week-long event will focus on community wildfire resiliency and wildland urban interface training which will start with a three-day in person conference at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. Best practices will be shared, as well as collective experience and insights through informative workshops, and expert panels. This will be followed by two days of training exercises in North Vancouver for BC’s firefighting professionals.

Virtual Reconciliation Engagements: Interested in raising awareness about reconciliation for your community, organization, or business? In light of the COVID-19 crisis, Reconciliation Canada is currently providing all engagements online. They can provide a virtual gathering with the inspiring speaker to help engage reconciliation in a meaningful way.

ReTooling for Climate Change: The Fraser Basin Council hosts this first-stop website on climate change adaptation. Here is the place to find top tools and resources for BC local governments, First Nations, and the natural resource sectors as everyone prepares for the impacts of climate change, now and in the years ahead.

BC Rural Centre: The Centre provides a wealth of links to assets, news, videos, services, and resources of value to rural British Columbians.

CivicInfo BC: British Columbia's local government information hub offers comprehensive organizational and grant directories, events listings, tools for training, research and career development, bids & tenders, and other resources.

FireSmart: This website introduces the FireSmart program and its seven disciplines and is intended as a one-stop shop for all things FireSmart. The site includes links to training, education, an events calendar, resource library, and downloadable content. It also features a short video inviting everyone to become involved in prevention and to learn about the benefits of the program.