A Fire Chief speaks to the impact of the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund

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Applications for the Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training stream of the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund are being accepted until October 18, 2024. To get an idea of how this fund can impact a local government, we reached out to the Gabriola Island Improvement district, which has received this grant three times.

GVFD volunteers with some of the new equipment purchased with the grant.

In 2023 the Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department used the grant funding towards the first phase of creating a structural protection trailer. These trailers help communities protect structures during interface fires by using sprinklers to dampen roofs and surrounding areas. This purchase enabled the department to host BC Wildfire to teach structural protection training to their firefighters.

“With that training it’s given us the ability to also deploy a third department around the province to help fight wildfires,” said Gabriola Fire Chief Will Sprogis.  

Not only has the funding benefitted Gabriola, but BC at large.

A unique feature of the Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training is that improvement districts are eligible to apply.

Gabriola Island Improvement District plans to continue applying for this grant over future intakes. Sprogis has no shortage of ideas for where the funding will be useful.

“It would be nice to see further funds to have more training. We were funded for SCBA (breathing apparatus) which strengthened our ability to work in larger structure fires and commercial fires. In future we are also looking to update or live fire training facilities,” Sprogis said.

Hearing from people like Chief Sprogis affirms the impact the Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training stream has in BC communities. The goal of the grant stream is to enhance the ability of volunteer fire departments and composite fire departments to prepare for and respond to emergencies. The more training and capacity local fire departments have, the better communities will be is able to reduce fire risk and increase response to wildfires around the province.
