FAQ on RCMP Retroactive Costs

Publishing Date

Last month, the federal government delivered correspondence to RCMP contract partners outlining estimated retroactive amounts owed as part of the new RCMP collective agreement. Public Safety Canada, in response to follow-up questions from the Contract Management Committee and municipal contract partners, has recently released a set of frequently asked questions and answers.


UBCM is working to secure 3-4 meetings between Public Safety Canada and groups of BC local governments (e.g. under 5,000, 5,000-15,000 and over 5,000 in population), to discuss questions and concerns related to the collective agreement, and in particular the payment of retroactive costs. Local governments may also work with Public Safety Canada to schedule individual meetings as required.

UBCM has called on the federal government to cover all retroactive costs associated with the implementation of the RCMP collective agreement. The federal government has not yet responded to this request.