Contaminated Sites Regulation Amendments Webinars

Publishing Date

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy will be holding webinars on changes to the site identification process within the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation that will come into effect on February 1, 2021. These changes aim to streamline the legal regime by making the process clearer and more predictable and to assist the Ministry’s ability to carry out compliance verification and enforcement.

The full amendments are available to view at:

Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill17)

Contaminated Sites Regulation OIC 0368/2020

To help affected parties understand these amendments, three webinars are being delivered by the Ministry to targeted audiences. Each webinar will include a presentation and time for questions.

Wednesday, November 25 – 10:00 to 11:00 PST (for Local Governments, Approving Officers and Modern Treaty First Nations Only)

Thursday, November 26 – 2:00 to 3:00 PST (General, for all affected parties)

Wednesday, December 2 – 2:00 to 3:00 PST (for Local Governments, Approving Officers and Modern Treaty First Nations Only)

Please contact Cindy Bertram for questions about webinar registration or the Ministry of Environment for questions about the content of the amendments or implementation.