Working with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and supported by UBCM, CivicInfo BC is seeking connectivity planning documents from local and Indigenous governments, in order to build a freely available online repository.
CivicInfo BC is looking for any documents related to internet connectivity planning or projects, that can be shared publicly with other local and Indigenous governments. What sample documents would have been useful at the beginning of planning, or as a project progressed? Examples include, but are not limited to:
- community needs assessments
- technical assessments & reports
- vendor assessments (if public)
- risk assessments
- project planning & implementation documents
- success stories, case studies, presentations
- community internet society governance documents, business plans, operating agreements, or MOUs
- business plans for municipal/regional internet utilities
- partnership agreements between orders of government (Indigenous, local, provincial, federal)
The idea of creating a connectivity document repository arose from discussions during the regular calls between the Minister of Municipal Affairs calls and mayors, chairs, and CAOs. Indigenous and local governments wish to learn from the successes and challenges of peers that are engaging in connectivity planning and improvement processes. Sharing connectivity documentation and experiences means that no one need re-invent the wheel.
A wide range of community and public sector organizations in BC are working on internet connectivity issues. The intent of the connectivity document repository is to support this important work by gathering and making available relevant documents that might not otherwise be easy to find.
Governments and community organizations may submit connectivity documents now, through an online form. CivicInfo BC aims to make the documents available on its website in September.