The Ministry of Housing has contracted external evaluators to conduct an initial evaluation of the Belonging in BC Homelessness Plan introduced in spring 2023. The evaluation seeks to assess progress on coordination, collaboration, and alignment between partners. Elected officials and senior local government staff are invited to provide feedback from the local government's perspective by March 6, 2024.
While other programs and initiatives are underway to prevent and respond to homelessness, the scope of this evaluation only includes the programs which the Ministry considers to be within the Belonging in BC Plan:
- Complex Care Housing
- Strengthening Abilities and Journeys of Empowerment (SAJE)
- Homeless Encampment and Action Response Teams (HEART) and Homeless Encampment Action Response for Temporary Housing (HEARTH)
- Community Integration Specialists
- Permanent Housing Plan
- Supported Rent Supplement Program and Indigenous Culturally Aligned Integrated Supports Initiative
- Integrated Support Framework
- Supportive Housing
To fill out the survey, please request a copy of the survey document from the evaluators. The deadline to return completed survey documents is March 6, 2024.