Appointments to Policing Modernization Roundtable

Publishing Date

UBCM is seeking to fill two vacancies on the Local Government Policing Modernization Roundtable (LGPMR). The LGPMR is a forum for local government issues to be raised as part of broader work to research policing issues, explore options and advise the Province on courses of action. Interested elected officials and senior staff members have until March 10, 2023 to apply.

In November 2021, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (PSSG) established the LGPMR to obtain local government input on key policing issues and priorities related to the ongoing Police Act and public safety review. The Roundtable’s work has also included developing a response to recommendations made by the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act.

The Roundtable is co-chaired by PSSG and UBCM and includes 15 local government members appointed by the UBCM Executive. Meetings occur monthly via videoconference. All members are asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, which is a provincial government requirement for participation as part of any legislative development process.

Appointments have traditionally been made with consideration towards ensuring representation from staff and elected officials; urban and rural local governments; and, communities policed by the RCMP and municipal police agencies. Owing to recent departures, the Roundtable currently does not include a local government chair of a police board.

Elected officials shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, per UBCM policy.

Interested parties are asked to contact Bhar Sihota, UBCM Senior Policy Analyst, by March 10, 2023.