The Resolutions Book for the 2021 UBCM Convention, which includes 170 resolutions on topics identified by BC local governments, is now available. The Convention Committee has set aside six hours in the convention agenda for the consideration of resolutions. We look forward to the debates and direction that our members’ decisions will provide. The perspective of each local government matters, so be sure to register to have your say.
The 2021 Resolutions Book will only be available digitally. The book has been enhanced this year to assist navigation.
UBCM’s Executive has updated the rules and procedures for handling resolutions in 2021. The newly refined rules provide an opportunity for delegates to debate three Special Resolutions (SR); two consent agenda blocks; several resolutions returning from 2020; along with individual resolutions submitted by the membership in 2021.
Given the virtual environment, it will not be possible to make amendments during the resolution sessions. As an alternative, we are providing our members the opportunity to propose amendments to the three Special Resolutions (SR) in advance of Convention. Prior to convention, members may also make a case for pulling a resolution for individual consideration from the two blocks of resolutions, Endorse Block (EB) and Not Endorse Block (NEB).
In advance of Convention, members who wish to propose an amendment to a Special Resolution may do so in writing. Proposed amendments must be received by UBCM by 4:00pm on Tuesday, September 14. If more than one amendment to a resolution is received, the amendments will be dealt with in the order in which they were received. UBCM’s Parliamentarian will review all proposed amendments, as per past practice.
In advance of Convention, members who wish to remove resolutions from either of the Endorse Block or Not Endorse Block, so that they may be considered individually (in order to amend the resolution or to alter the recommendation of the Resolutions Committee) must do the following:
- Endorse a motion at a Council or Board meeting requesting removal from the Block
- Send the motion, along with the reasons for wanting to pull the resolution from the block, to the UBCM Executive. All requests for removal must be received by UBCM by noon on Friday, September 10.
The UBCM Executive will decide which removal requests are approved. Executive approval to remove resolution(s) will result in an amended Block(s) being presented at Convention. Any amendments to either Block will be announced during the resolutions session(s). Resolutions pulled from a Block for individual consideration will be referred to Executive for consideration following Convention. They will not be considered during Convention.
Should we run out of time to consider all of the resolutions, the remaining resolutions will be referred to the UBCM Executive for consideration following Convention.
Late Resolutions (those received after the June 30 submission deadline) will be referred to the UBCM Executive for consideration following Convention.
Off-The-Floor Resolutions will not be permitted.
For any questions about the resolutions process, or to propose an amendment to a Special Resolution, or to seek the removal of a resolution from a Block, please contact Jamee Justason, Resolutions and Policy Analyst.