Accessibility funding for local governments

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In 2024, the UBCM membership endorsed a resolution (EB15: Implementing Accessibility BC Act Recommendations) requesting that the provincial government establish annual funding to assist local governments to implement accessibility requirements, which were established in 2021. 

Two funding programs are currently accepting applications for local governments seeking to improve accessibility in their communities.

The Disability Alliance of BC (DABC) offers funding for public sector organizations to meet the three legislated requirements (to establish an accessibility plan, have an accessibility committee, and offer a feedback mechanism on accessibility). Approximately $3,500 is available for each local government. For more details, contact DABC staff. 

SPARC BC also offers funding for the implementation of accessibility initiatives. The Local Community Accessibility Grant offers local governments up to $25,000 for projects related to the built environment, education and awareness, development of policy and programs, modelling inclusive practices, strengthening communication and engagement—or to explore the use of assistive devices and technologies to support active participation and engagement of persons with disabilities. 


In June 2021, the provincial government passed the Accessible BC Act  which—among provincial requirements and a general focus on increasing awareness of accessibility—requires local governments to take action. Local governments are among over 750 public sector organizations listed in the Accessible BC Regulations, and by September 1, 2023 are required to establish:

  • An accessibility committee
  • An accessibility plan
  • A tool to receive feedback on accessibility

These requirements are intended to get organizations planning for accessibility in a way that is informed by people with disabilities. They are flexible and there are lots of different ways to approach the requirements.