A conversation with Dr. Bonnie Henry on elected leadership & mental health

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Local Leaders for Mental Health (LLMH) – a new forum for local government elected officials to convene on mental health issues and share resources to support their own mental health – is pleased to host Dr. Bonnie Henry for its first online event. Mayors, councillors and electoral area directors across British Columbia are invited to join in this important conversation and learn more about the initiative.
LLMH was founded by Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart, with the support of Lt. Gov. Janet Austin and the Canadian Mental Health Association – BC.
A conversation with Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer will be held June 6, 12:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP to attend.
Note – this event is for elected officials only. Questions about Local Leaders for Mental Health can also be addressed to the email contact above.