Rates for electric vehicle fast charging service

Publishing Date

BC Hydro has applied to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) regarding proposed rates for interim and permanent electric vehicle fast charging service. The BCUC has announced a regulatory timetable for conducting a proceeding to hear from parties who wish to provide feedback on the rates.

The following interim rates have been approved by BCUC to take effect on May 1, 2021. Permanent rates will be determined following the proceedings:

  • Public Electric Vehicle Public Fast Charging Service (25 kW Fast Charging Stations) at $0.12 per minute
  • Public Electric Vehicle Public Fast Charging Service (50 kW Fast Charging Stations) at $0.21 per minute
  • Public Electric Vehicle Public Fast Charging Service (100 kW Fast Charging Stations) at $0.27 per minute

Parties who wish to actively participate in this proceeding must submit, by April 17th, the Request to Intervene Form, available on the BCUC’s website. Any party wishing to provide comments on the Application is invited to submit a letter of comment by Monday, May 17, 2021. Letters of comment must be in the Letter of Comment Form and be submitted on the BCUC’s website, or submitted by email.