Watershed Protection


Whereas it has long been recognized that water is a public trust, and the protection and control of local water resources requires adequate tools to enable local authorities to enact measures for protection of watersheds; And whereas the modernization of the Water Act has not yet progressed to a point where regulations are in place to enable local authorities to enact such measures necessary in order to adequately protect their watersheds: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Ministry of Environment expedite the necessary steps to create regulations that will establish an increased local role in key decision making in matters affecting the health and protection of watersheds, including the right for local watershed authorities to be the agencies responsible for approvals and controls of activities in watersheds.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Government acknowledges the interests of local governments and the public in exploring opportunities for alternative water governance. The Water Sustainability Act WSA includes a number of new and updated water governance-related provisions including the ability to create advisory boards, establish water objectives, prepare water sustainability plans as well as develop regulations to enable entities such as local governments to take on a greater role in decision-making in watersheds. The first phase of regulations that brought the WSA into force addresses the governments core water allocation business, including groundwater licensing, updating fees and rentals, stronger protection for aquatic ecosystems, expanded protection of groundwater related to well construction and maintenance, and increased dam safety and awareness. Bringing approximately 20,000 existing groundwater wells into the regulatory system is a significant undertaking for the Province and groundwater users. Due to the workload associated with and focus on licensing existing groundwater use and the number of regulations and policies, government is taking a phased approach to implementing the new Act. A second phase of regulation and policy development will be initiated that will include work related to planning and governance. This work is anticipated to take several years to accommodate the broad and balanced engagement with those who may be affected, which is an essential part of developing good public policy. As part of this planning and governance work, the Ministry is exploring opportunities to pilot the WSA management and governance tools using a phased approach. Local government participation and support will be essential to the success of any pilots.

Convention Decision