Streamkeepers - Works in Streams

Nanaimo RD

WHEREAS Streamkeepers and other such non-profit societies provide a valuable service in protecting and enhancing fish habitat; AND WHEREAS, under the current federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and provincial regulations, non-profit societies are not able to receive the appropriate approvals to undertake certain projects that would greatly improve fish habitat: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Province of British Columbia to permit non-profit societies to do works in streams for the purpose of improving fish habitat.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations The Province appreciates, supports and permits the efforts of non-profit groups in working to restore fish habitat; however, the appropriate approvals must be in place to ensure that conservation objectives are being met. In-stream activities in particular can result in significant damage to fish habitat if not conducted properly. Under the Water Act, Section 9, no one may make changes in and about a stream without an approval or notification in accordance with Part 7 of the Water Regulation. This provision applies, with very few exceptions, to all activities in and about a stream, even those activities carried out by provincial and federal staff. Projects in and around fish habitat are also subject to review and approval under the federal Fisheries Act. The Province has reviewed proposals in the past that, if implemented, would have caused more harm than benefit to fish habitat. For that reason, the Ministry recommends that groups work with qualified environmental professionals to design and oversee projects that aim to improve fish habitat and that the necessary approvals are in place.

Convention Decision