Species Ecosystem Protection

Comox Valley RD

WHEREAS the province of British Columbia has the richest biodiversity of all Canadian provinces, with 76 per cent of Canadas bird species, 70 per cent of its freshwater fish species, 66 per cent of its butterfly species and 60 per cent of its conifer species; AND WHEREAS BC is one of only two provinces in Canada that lacks stand-alone endangered species legislation, the province choosing instead to rely on a fragmented legislative and policy framework that provides insufficient protection for biodiversity, proven by the fact that 87 per cent of known threatened and endangered species in B.C. are unprotected and more than 1,300 species are currently at risk in B.C.: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to enact a strong Species and Ecosystem Protection Act to safeguard British Columbias exceptional biological richness - in particular, against the threats posed by habitat loss and climate change - recognizing the critical importance of conserving biodiversity to maintaining ecosystem integrity and human well-being.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment In addition to current legislation and policies that address the conservation of species and ecosystems in the province, the B.C. government recently unveiled a new Conservation Framework a science-based, province wide approach that prioritizes and selects conservation actions for species and ecosystems of concern, shifting from a reactive to a proactive approach. Designed, tested and reviewed by scientists and wildlife experts from universities, conservation organizations, industry and government, the Framework promotes the efficient and strategic use of resources among all partners. It has been developed collaboratively with the support of Biodiversity BC and its member organizations and major scientists including Fred Bunnell of UBC, who co-authored the scientific methods underpinning the Conservation Framework. The Framework aims to contribute to global efforts for species and ecosystems conservation, prevent species and ecosystems from becoming at risk, and maintain the full diversity of native species and ecosystems. The B.C. government is also examining options for a Species at Risk Regulation under the Wildlife Amendment Act, 2004, which would provide additional protection for species at risk in B.C. The Conservation Framework and the Wildlife Amendment Act, 2004 augment existing provincial and federal legislation and policies that protect species at risk e.g. Forest and Range Practices Act, Parks Act, Wildlife Act, Fish Protection Act, Environmental Management Act, Water Act, federal Fisheries Act, and Species At Risk Act. These measures complement the more than 14 per cent of British Columbias land base in parks and protected areas, and help to ensure British Columbia continues to meet its biodiversity conservation obligations internationally, nationally, and provincially.

Convention Decision