Southern Strait of Georgia National Marine Conservation Area Reserve

Islands Trust

WHEREAS the Southern Strait of Georgia in British Columbia is an ecologically, economically, and culturally rich area that contains the critical habitat of the endangered southern resident orca and is being harmed by a variety of human activities; AND WHEREAS the government of British Columbia and Parks Canada agreed in 1995 under the Pacific Marine Heritage Legacy to undertake a study to assess the feasibility of protecting and managing this area as a National Marine Conservation Area Reserve NMCAR under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, and have been engaged in the feasibility study since 2004: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM supports the establishment of a large, ecologically zoned NMCAR in the southern Strait of Georgia from the proposed southern end of Haro Strait, up to and including, Gabriola Passage, and urge immediate action from the provincial and federal governments to proceed on this initiative while respecting First Nations interests in the area.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Province recognizes that there are areas within the study area that would benefit from increased levels of protection. We are working collaboratively with the Federal Government on options available to provide that protection. Additional work is required to understand the views of affected First Nations, and to determine the implications of transferring provincially owned seabed to Canada. It is important to gather all the necessary information to support a decision, given the many provincial interests that are potentially affected by the proposal.

Federal Response

Ministry of Fisheries Oceans The Government of Canada has three organizations with legislative mandates to establish marine protected areas. While DFO can establish Marine Protected Areas under the Oceans Act, Parks Canada is the organization that leads the establishment of national marine conservation areas. DFO is working closely with Parks Canada in its assessment of the feasibility of designating a national marine conservation area in the southern Strait of Georgia. Ministry of Environment Discussions continue between Parks Canada and the Government of British Columbia. The Agency is committed to working with First Nations in the Strait of Georgia region to ensure their interests will be addressed appropriately as steps to consider the potential establishment of the proposed reserve continue.

Convention Decision