Salmon Habitat Protection

Port Moody

WHEREAS wild Pacific salmon are important to all British Columbians and fulfill a key role in maintaining the equilibrium of our natural ecosystems; AND WHEREAS a commitment to sustainability means taking care of our natural ecosystems, preserving resource based economies and regional food supplies, and ensuring that salmon continue to serve as a cultural icon to First Nations and the people of British Columbia; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities request that the provincial and federal governments work in partnership with local governments to ensure the sustainability of wild Pacific salmon as a key priority and to mitigate threats so that wild Pacific salmon maintain robust populations, are resilient to climate change and benefit future generations.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Province of British Columbia Province recognizes the importance of protecting and restoring fiish habitat, and supports and welcomes the involvement of local government. It has been working collaboratively with federal and local governments for many years. The Province has an extensive Fisheries Program that dedicates substantial resources and effort to the management of fish and fish habitat. The Pacific Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers exists for the coordination of the management of Pacific Salmon and their habitats between the provincial and federal government The Province has established the Living Rivers Trust Fund, that the federal government also contributes funds to, that provides funding for salmon habitat protection and restoration. The Province has developed and is developing numerous pieces of legislation to ensure the protection of salmon habitat such as: -Forest and Range Practices Act -Oil and Gas Regulatory Initiative -Resource Road Act -The Water Act -The Fish Protection Act and the Riparian Areas Regulation The Province has, with DFO and BC Hydro, developed Water Use Plans for the management of Hydro reservoirs for salmon and other fish. In conjunction all three agencies have established the Bridge Coastal program to address habitat restoration and compensation from the reservoirs footprint. The Riparian Areas Regulation requires local governments to protect riparian fish habitat during their approval of residential, commercial, or industrial development. The regulation requires local governments to cooperate with us in monitoring, enforcement, and education. A tripartite agreement has been drafted with UBCM, DFO and the Province to direct and ensure local government input in implementation of the regulation. The Province has delivered numerous workshops across the province to local governments on the implementation of the regulation and has developed extensive resources for local governments to use in meeting their implementation obligations such as: -Assessment Methodology -Assessment Notification System -Implementation Guidebook -Assessment training in partnership with Malaspina College -Web site

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended