Reorganization of Fire Commissioners Office

AKBLG Executive

WHEREAS over the past several years the Office of the Fire Commissioner has seen restructuring, moving from a direct delivery role to a governance role; AND WHEREAS there have been huge staffing cuts in the regional offices without consultation with Fire Service representatives and without taking into consideration the impact this will have on Local Assistants to the Fire Commissioner around the Province, particularly in smaller communities as it relates to fire inspections, Juvenile Fire Setter Programs, Code interpretation, enforcement and public education programs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities appeal to the provincial government to discontinue the proposed model and restructuring of the Office of the Fire Commissioner; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in the event the provincial government maintains its position that the Office of the Fire Commissioner requires restructuring, the Province only proceed after genuine consultation with representatives from a cross-section of the Fire Service.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate