Provincial Funding for Cycling Infrastructure

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS the Union of BC Municipalities has consistently endorsed resolutions calling for development, improvement and augmentation of cycling infrastructure, including by not limited to: - frequent sweeping of bike lanes 2011-B19; - increased width and refurbished road shoulder to accommodate cycling 2010-B16, 2007-B14, 2007-B99; - a BC Cycling Development Program 2010-B17; - revenue sharing for cycling infrastructure intersecting provincial highways 2009-B83; - bicycle lane funding 2007-B100, 2006-B140; and - infrastructure for non-greenhouse gas emitting transportation 2006-B110; AND WHEREAS rural cycling infrastructure strengthens communities by: - increasing the safety of cycling on rural roads; - supporting the growth of cycle tourism; - addressing local climate change challenges; - providing transportation and recreation alternatives; and - establishing links with existing urban and regional cycling networks: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC invest in cycling infrastructure in order to accelerate the availability and broaden the range of cycling opportunities for commuter, recreational, and competitive cyclists living in and visiting rural and urban areas.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The Province is committed to investing in cycling infrastructure as part of a safe, efficient transportation system that reduces traffic congestion and Green House Gas GHG emissions. Cycling investments support our commitment to improving the health of British Columbians by encouraging active lifestyles and viable transportation options for BC families. Since 2001, the Province has committed over 148 million in cycling infrastructure, creating new bicycle lanes and trails in over 75 communities. This includes the development of several major cycling trails, such as the: o North Shore Spirit Trail and the Central Valley Greenway in the lower mainland; o UBCO connector trail in Kelowna; o EN Rails with Trail project in the Capital Regional District; and o Tyner Boulevard trail to UNBC in Prince George. In 2012, the Province provided 7.25 million to cost share with local governments for cycling infrastructure projects through our BikeBC program. The Province is also committed to integrating cycling infrastructure where possible as we undertake new construction and improvements on provincial highways.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended