Protection of Local Water Resources Watershed Land

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS it is recognized that water is a public trust and the UBCM membership has consistently endorsed resolutions emphasizing protection and control of local water resources, and that adequate tools are required to enable local authorities to enact measures for protection of watersheds; AND WHEREAS the provincial government has recently released further details concerning implementation of its commitment to modernize the Water Act, which includes a strategy to protect water flows for fish and the environment; regulate groundwater; improve governance; and promote conservation, in order to address issues of source water protection, industrial pollution and land-use changes: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Ministry of Environment to proceed in its efforts to modernize the Water Act including full consultation with First Nations, to ensure that the new Water Sustainability Act establishes a strong enabling framework, in the context of provincial and federal oversight and regulatory backstop, that: - increases the local role in key decisions affecting the health of watersheds; - ensures protection for water for fish and the environment in the context of local conditions; - regulates groundwater; - promotes water conservation; - recognizes First Nations Rights and Title; and - establishes a meaningful role for local government, First Nations, and local watershed authorities regarding approvals and control.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate