Proposed Amendment to School Act to Promote Meaningful Consultation with Local Government

Port Moody

WHEREAS there is a lack of parity between the powers of authority granted to school boards and municipal councils; AND WHEREAS this lack of parity can be a real and significant challenge to a municipal governments ability to plan for community needs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be urged to amend the School Act in an effort to bring more harmonization and parity between local governments and school boards by: Adding a new section to the School Act, requiring school boards to engage in meaningful consultation with local governments prior to making decisions and, if necessary, require school boards to compensate local governments in circumstances where: 1 the decision being considered by the school board will result in conflict with the local governments Official Community Plan; or 2 the decision being considered by the school board clearly establishes a financial, social or environmental impact or burden on the local government.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate